The Tempest of Shakespeare in the Construction of the Southamerican Identity in the XXth Century. The Ariel (1900), of J.E. Rodó, and Inglaterra, una fábula (1999), of L. Brizuela


  • Malvina Aparicio Universidad del Salvador
  • Susana Biasi Universidad del Salvador


Identity, Intertextual, Post-colonial, Education, Discourse


The Argentine and other Bicentennial celebratory events in our Iberoamerican world have prompted a generalized challenge of the concept and meaning of the so- called «american» identity. Shakespeare, the poet that has for a long time defined British cultural identity, in his last play The Tempest seems to provide a wonderful opportunity to examine the impact that his genius caused on the intellectuals that chose to reflect on the problems andissues arising from the complexity of reality all along the xx century within the framework of globalization. In this paper we have sought to single out intertextual relationships between the shakespearean play and some productions in English and Spanish with a view to identify perceptions that were later to enter the colective imaginary of our societies. To such ends we have dwelt on such sources as Roberto Fernandez Retamar, Isak Dinesen, Bruce Chatwin, Lucas Bridges, press & personal interviews (Leopoldo Brizuela) as well. Different editions and performances were explored and both Rodo and Brizuela were read in context with a view to compare their discursive practices from a post-colonial perspective. The developmentof the figure/concept «Ariel» in both texts was studied in order to ascertain its interest in changing educational models.

Author Biographies

Malvina Aparicio, Universidad del Salvador

Doctora en Lenguas Modernas por la Universidad del Salvador y Profesora en Lengua y Literatura Inglesapor la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Realizó estudios de posgrado en las Universidades de Oxford, deBirmingham (Stratford-upon-Avon), de Londres y en la Universidad de París (Sorbona I). Profesora Eméritade Literatura Inglesa en la USAL y Titular de Literaturas Poscoloniales en la Universidad Católica Argentina. Directora del grupo interdisciplinario de Investigación en Lengua Inglesa de la USAL (Shakespeare). Miembrodel Centro de Narratología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Susana Biasi, Universidad del Salvador

Magíster en Integración Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Profesora en Historiapor la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Traductora Pública de Inglés por la Universidad del Salvador (USAL). Profesora emérita de Historia en la Facultad de Historia, Geografía y Turismo y en la Escuela de LenguasModernas (USAL). Investigadora principal del grupo interdisciplinario de Investigación en Lengua Inglesade la USAL (Shakespeare).



How to Cite

Aparicio, M., & Biasi, S. (2016). The Tempest of Shakespeare in the Construction of the Southamerican Identity in the XXth Century. The Ariel (1900), of J.E. Rodó, and Inglaterra, una fábula (1999), of L. Brizuela. Gramma , 26(55), 17–31. Retrieved from

