agregadas, tiempo, mujeres, vigencia, Marco DeneviAbstract
The imbrication of history in literature is a wellknown reality that has occupied thousands of written pages. However, as time goes by, we can find a certain blurring of that relationship and even its forgetfulness. The recovery of historical realities around literary narratives legitimizes them consolidating their ideas and enables those of us who carry out historical studies to recover from the past not always easily accessible knowledge and knowledge. Greater weight acquires the specificity of the content recovered no longer from facts than from institutes and figures that organized, often, over centuries, certain types of political units and/or their managerial and decisionmaking. In this aspect it will be the “iushistórico” study that will give form and methodology to the concrete approach of that link. In this context, we will record the presentation of the ongoing investigation in which Argentine literature and the History of Law participate in a disciplinary manner. The latter in their colonial traditions will be linked, in the pen of Marco Denevi, the lives of Leonides and Cecilia who will take us to the time, not only contemporary but colonial of these lands, with the aggregates and the role they played in intra and extra domestic social organization. This reinforces the scientific need to observe, in the light of the gender perspective, the encouragement of resistance and resilience of women in leading their lives forward in all times of our history as a country.References
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