Autobiographical and Memory Spaces in Syria Poletti


  • Fernanda Elisa Bravo Herrera Universidad de Siena - CONICET - UBA


Immigration, Identity, Imaginary, Autobiography, Chronotope


The aim of this work is to study the construction of the different modes of representation of autobiographical memory space in the production of the Italian- Argentina writer Syria Poletti. Proceeding from the Bakhtinian studies and Paul Ricoeur proposals concerning the time and the narrative and also the Philippe Lejeune and Leonor Arfuchstudies about the storytelling of the sameness, we analyze the metaliterary structures that determine the «Autobiographies» and the chronotopes that characterize this specific kind of literary writings. We aim to reconstruct the concepts of identity, otherness and the sense of belonging that are described in the production of Poletti, declining these themes in their dialectical relationship with the phenomenon of immigration.

Author Biography

Fernanda Elisa Bravo Herrera, Universidad de Siena - CONICET - UBA

Doctora en Literatura Comparada y Traducción de Textos Literarios por la Universidad de Siena e investigadora adjunta del CONICET en la Universidad de Buenos Aires.



How to Cite

Bravo Herrera, F. E. (2017). Autobiographical and Memory Spaces in Syria Poletti. Gramma , 27(56), 121–135. Retrieved from