World Englishes and the Challenge of Teaching Phonetics and Phonology at Higher Education Levels


  • Marina Grasso Universidad Nacional de La Plata Instituto de Formación Docente 97
  • Daniela Martino Universidad Nacional de La Plata Instituto de Formación Docente 97

Biografía del autor/a

Marina Grasso, Universidad Nacional de La Plata Instituto de Formación Docente 97

Marina Grasso graduated as a teacher of English from Universidad Nacional de La Plata and has an MA degree in ELT and Applied Linguistics from King’s College, University of London, England. She worked as a teacher of English at different schools for over twenty years and has been an assistant in the Language Laboratory and assistant teacher of English Phonetics and Phonology I and II, subjects at the Teacher Training College and the English Translation Courses at the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (UNLP) for over twelve years now. Since 2003, she has been a member of the group ECAR (Español Coloquial de Argentina) and has participated in four research projects of the Programa de Incentivos para la Docencia y la Investigación.

Daniela Martino, Universidad Nacional de La Plata Instituto de Formación Docente 97

Daniela Martino is a teacher of English and Sworn Translator (Universidad de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina). She holds a Diploma in Education and ICT and is currently doing an MA in Technology-mediated Learning (Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina). She has been working as an EFL teacher at different levels for twenty years. She has also been an EFL pre-service teacher trainer, lecturing in Applied Phonetics since 2009. Her research interests include the integration of ICT in teaching programmes, particularly in the teaching of segmental and suprasegmental features of spoken English.


