Teaching writing-for-publishing practices to language teacher trainees: A classroom experience


  • Laura Colombo CONICET – Instituto de Lingüística de la Universidad de Buenos Aires IES en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” ISP “Dr. Joaquín V. González”

Biografía del autor/a

Laura Colombo, CONICET – Instituto de Lingüística de la Universidad de Buenos Aires IES en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” ISP “Dr. Joaquín V. González”

Laura Colombo holds a PhD in Language, Literacy and Culture and an MA in Intercultural Communication from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States. She is an Assistant Researcher for the Argentine National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). Her research interests involve academic writing in first and second language, especially at university level. She is a member of GICEOLEM, an interdisciplinary research team that analyzes the relationship between teaching, learning, reading and writing in different disciplines and educational levels. She has authored several research papers and book chapters and presented her research at different academic events. Dr. Colombo has worked as an educator for 20 years in different high schools, teacher education institutes and universities. She has also offered workshops on writing to teachers and university professors.


