Resisting Patriarchy and Petrarchy: Shakespeare, Ovid and a Rhetoric of the Assaulted Female Body


  • Valeria Amanda Rodriguez Van Dam I. S. P. “Dr. Joaquin V. Gonzalez” I. S. P. del Consudec Fac. de Cs. Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Biografía del autor/a

Valeria Amanda Rodriguez Van Dam, I. S. P. “Dr. Joaquin V. Gonzalez” I. S. P. del Consudec Fac. de Cs. Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Valeria Rodriguez Van Dam obtained her TEFL degree at I. S. P. "Dr. Joaquín V. González", where she also completed a postgraduate degree in Shakespeare Studies. She holds a Licenciatura degree in Education and Foreign Languages from Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and currently holds several chairs of Shakespeare Studies and Medieval English Literature at I. S. P. "Joaquín V. González" and I. S. P. Consudec "Septimio Walsh". She is also a joint lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and a Cambridge ESOL Speaking Examiner, Team Leader and Pedagogical Consultant for the Buenos Aires Open Centre. She directs The Shakespeare Study Group and teaches tailored Shakespeare and medieval poetry courses in private organizations. She is a researcher of Anglo-Saxon texts in translation and a founding member of the team of lecturers for the "Seminario Permanente de Lectura de Clásicos".


