Argentine, the 1916 Rising and the Irish Revolution


  • Dermot Keogh University College Cork

Biografía del autor/a

Dermot Keogh, University College Cork

Dermot Keogh: Professor of History and Emeritus Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration Studies at University College Cork, Ireland. Member of the Royal Irish Academy. He was granted two Fulbright Commission scholarships. He has been Resident Researcher at the Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington D.C.) and at the Institute for Irish Studies at Queen’s University (Belfast). He has been Visiting Professor at the European University Institute (Italy) and at Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Among his books on Irish history: Jack Lynch: His Life and Times; Jews in Twentieth-Century Ireland: Refugees, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, y Twentieth-Century Ireland: Revolution and State Building. He has edited and co-edited more than fifteen books, and his academic production includes various book chapters and academic articles.Dermot Keogh: Profesor Emérito de Historia y Profesor Emérito Jean Monnet de Estudios de Integración Europeos en University College Cork, Irlanda. Es miembro de la Royal Irish Academy y ha obtenido becas de la Comisión Fulbright en dos oportunidades. Se ha desempeñado como Investigador Residente en el Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington D.C.) y en el Institute for Irish Studies en Queen’s University (Belfast) y ha sido Profesor Visitante en el European University Institute (Italia) y en la Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires). Entre los libros sobre historia irlandesa de su autoría se encuentran: Jack Lynch: His Life and Times; Jews in Twentieth-Century Ireland: Refugees, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, y Twentieth-Century Ireland: Revolution and State Building. Asimismo, ha editado y coeditado más de quince volúmenes, y su producción académica comprende numerosos capítulos de libros y artículos académicos.


