Will Technology Ever Replace Teachers?


  • Gabriela Aguilar Universidad del Salvador

Biografía del autor/a

Gabriela Aguilar, Universidad del Salvador

Gabriela Aguilar is an English Teacher and Legal Translator graduated from UNC (National University of Córdoba). She has mostly worked as a teacher for over twenty years now. In 1999 she won the Rotary Club GSE (Group Study Exchange) Scholarship to the USA, where she did research on the teaching of English as a foreign language and Spanish as a foreign language. She is currently a Language and Phonetics and Phonology professor at Universidad del Salvador. She is a member of Ofelia Veltri’s research team at the Research Institute of Modern Languages (USAL) and has done research on “How ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) affect cognitive development and the learning paradigms”, on “How knowledge is collaboratively constructed in CoIs (Communities of Inquiry)” and on “The importance of the EoR (Ecology of Resources Method) in the development of knowledge”. She is also an e-learning platform content designer at CIIBA (Argentinian Air Force English Language Centre) and she is doing a postgraduate degree in “E-learning teaching and design and development of online course material”.


